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Hello! I am Tishan Crowe, a 22 year old international student at Johnson and Wales University in North Miami. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Business Management in hope to fulfill my goal of becoming an entrepreneur.
Read my pages below to find out a little more about my past, present and that is! :)

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right" - Henry Ford

The Secret

Tishan Crowe

The Secret

Overall, I really enjoyed watching “The Secret”. First and foremost I would describe it as a “mind-opener” because it really made me sit and think of what each speaker had to say. It was interesting how crazy it seemed, yet still made sense.  “The Secret” was also encouraging and motivational in the regard of achieving one’s goals. Learning about the “law of attraction” and how it is related to one’s thoughts and attitudes was quite stimulating as I’ve always thought of the mind to be powerful.
My only dislike is that although I do believe that perspective and attitude are influencing to the quality of life, I am a strong believer of God and the mysterious ways in which He works to bless us. In this theory of “the secret”, it leaves no room for religion, which is where I disagree.

A story that I could relate to on “The Secret” was the one with the “Miracle Man” who crashed a plane and was expected to be a vegetable for the rest of his life. He only had control of his mind, which he used to make and achieve a goal to walk out of the hospital by Christmas. Although his story was a bit more serious, it reminded me of last year when I attempted to run in a marathon with minimal training. It was very unlikely that I could do so and nobody thought it was possible. After the first three miles, every step I took was filled with pain and soreness. In the end, I reached my goal only because of the fact that I never stopped being positive and encouraging myself mentally.
Another story that I could relate to was the one that explained whatever you focus on, you will get more of. It had the example of debt, saying that if you expect debt, you will receive it. Although it seems preposterous, I have actually experienced that to an extent. When I am in a general bad mood, it seems like “when it rains, it pours” because everything bad that can happen at that point, happens. Whereas, when I am trying to be positive, I receive a lot of good news. I personally think that this goes back to perspective and it’s just that whatever mood you are in, you are more focused on it so you simply notice more of the bad or good.

I think that “The Secret” relates to leadership and teamwork mainly through the positive attitude and gratefulness that you must possess in order for it to work. Those characteristics are necessary in avoiding conflict and making each other feel appreciated for their contribution to the team’s goal.
To me, “The Secret” relates to my future goal of being an entrepreneur because of how encouraging it is that anything is possible once you are focused and have the right mindset.

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