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Hello! I am Tishan Crowe, a 22 year old international student at Johnson and Wales University in North Miami. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Business Management in hope to fulfill my goal of becoming an entrepreneur.
Read my pages below to find out a little more about my past, present and that is! :)

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right" - Henry Ford

Action Plans

Tishan Crowe

Action Plan

  1.   My goal is to get a 4.00 GPA for the winter semester. I have currently registered for a total of 4 classes during periods 2 and 3 between Monday and Thursday.
This is my goal because I want to graduate with honors from Johnson and Wales University with my Bachelor’s in Business Management.

Start Date: December 2, 2014 (Tuesday)
Target Date: February 26, 2015 (Thursday) [Last day of winter trimester exams]

Step 1- I will attend all 4 of my registered classes every week from Monday to Thursday between 12:35pm -4:30pm. If something happens to prevent this, I will contact my professors to notify them of why I was absent and request the covered work and any assignments given.

Step 2 –I will pay attention and make notes throughout the entire 1 hour and 55 minutes of class periods between Monday and Thursday.

Step 3 – I will use a 3-hour time frame between 12pm and 3pm every Friday to review my classes’ syllabi and do any possible assignments in advance.

Step 4 – I will review every evening after my classes Monday to Thursday at 4:30 pm, 30 minutes for each class that was attended the day of.

Step 5 – I will study for my midterms and final exams at least 2 weeks prior, every evening for 1.5 hours from 5:30-7:00.

Step 6 – I will seek advice of improvement from my professors for any assignments, quizzes or exams that I do not earn a grade over 90%.

  2.   My goal is to improve my time management skills.
This is my goal because I’m usually late when arriving to classes or any events and I tend to procrastinate.

            Start Date: November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
Target Date:  March 1, 2015 (Sunday)

Step 1 – I will make a list showing what I have been spending my time on and determine what is beneficial and what is a waste of my time. I will also include what I need to spend more time on.

Step 2 - I will organize a detailed schedule every Sunday night at 8pm for the week ahead, using 30-minute time blocks. I will make sure to have at least 2 hours free everyday for spur of the moment homework and/or anything that could possibly pop-up and interrupt my schedule.

Step 3 – I will set reminders on my phone and laptop a day prior to the deadline for any ad-hoc tasks that are given during the week and those that I notice on Sunday nights after completing my weekly schedule.

Step 4 – I will set alarms 30 minutes earlier than normal to ensure that I have enough time to get ready and arrive on time for classes or anywhere I need to go.
Ex- I usually woke up at 9:30 am for my 10:05 am classes, but I still did not get there on time. Starting November 30th, I would’ve gotten up at 9:00 am instead if I had class at 10:05 am to ensure that I was punctual.

Step 5 – I will prep for each day from the night before around 10:00 pm to save time in the mornings. This will include picking and ironing clothes, and packing my bags.

   3.  My goal is to become an overall healthier person.
This is my goal because I would like to have more energy and a better quality life.

            Start Date: December 1, 2014 (Monday)
            Target Date: June 1, 2015 (Monday)

Step 1 – I will ensure to get 8 hours of sleep every night by going to sleep at latest 12:00am. Seeing as my classes do not start until 12:30pm Monday to Thursday, I think that is realistic to upkeep.

Step 2 - I will drink a minimum of eight 8oz glasses of water daily, making sure to drink one as I wake up at 8:00 am, at least six glasses throughout the day and another before going to sleep.

Step 3 – I will eat only chicken breasts and fish for meat proteins.  I will also ensure to eat 3-5 vegetable servings and 2-4 fruit servings per day.

Step 4 – I will exercise 5 times a week from Monday to Friday for an hour each day between 8:30 am and 9:30 am. During this time I will do 20 minutes of cardio, either running or riding, and 40 minutes of free weights and weight machines.

Step 5 – I will take a variety of supplements such as multi-vitamins and fish oil every morning during the week at 9:30 am (after exercise), and with breakfast on the weekends.

  4.  My goal is to cut down on my monthly spending.
This is my goal because I would like my savings to last longer while I’m away at Johnson & Wales, as I currently do not have a job or any form of income.  My current funding is from JWU, Cayman Islands Government and Private business scholarships.

            Start Date: November 30, 2014 I will do step 1 to be prepped for steps 2-5 starting December                            1, 2014 (Monday)
            Target Date: March 1, 2015 (Sunday)

Step 1 – I will create a budget from the 3 previous months of me being overseas to see my necessary and unnecessary spending and figure out where I can cut down on costs.

Step 2 - I will spend a maximum of $140 for the month on groceries, and eat out only once per week spending a maximum of $15 each time to reduce food costs to be $200 at most per month.

Step 3 – I will avoid burning unnecessary electricity by turning off the lights when not in use and air conditioning when I’m not home to reduce utility costs.

Step 4 – As I rarely use my cable, I will disconnect it to avoid this extra bill and continue to only use Netflix for my viewing purposes.

Step 5 – I will take out an “allowance” of $100 per month for ad-hoc spending, such as clothes and shoes. This will help control the want to spend because of there being a limit.

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