Chapter 1
Self-Assessment Quiz 1-1
This assessment tested how ready one is to assume a leadership role. It consisted of 25 statements in which you had to indicate to what extent that you agree with each statement. Each response earned 1-5 points.
My score was 111. According to the scoring and interpretation of the assessment, this means that I have a "high readiness of the leadership role". I agree with these results as I have held and succeeded at leadership roles already. I do indeed think of myself as a leader and have heard it from others on several occasions.
Self-Assessment Quiz 1-2
This assessment basically checked for how much leadership experience one may have already assumed. It consisted of 15 specific instances and one "other" option which gave space for one to use a leadership experience that may have not been listed. With the total of 16 instances, one was to check off those that they have already experienced. The more instances checked off, the more leadership experience one has had.
My results were 11/16, which I thought was fairly good although the assessment did not give a specific response or scoring for one's results. I feel as if I've had significant leadership experience thus far and I've learned from each instance, which I am grateful for.
Chapter 2
Self-Assessment Quiz 2-1
The Self Confidence quiz consisted of 15 multiple choice questions. It was formatted in a way that one would respond to what extent they agree with each question. Each answer earned 1-5 points to assist with calculating a final score.
My score was 57, which was described as a "high, desirable level of self-confidence" according to the scoring and interpretation. I somewhat agree with these results as I am pretty confident when it comes to my abilities and what I am capable of, however I am not confident when it comes to being in the spotlight or instances like public speaking.
Self-Assessment Quiz 2-2
This assessment tested the behaviors and attitudes of a trustworthy leader. It consisted of 20 statements in which one would either agree or disagree if each statement fit them. The answers were not given points as the assessment was more for self-reflection, however, the more statements that did fit meant the more trustworthy you are.
I had 16 statements that I thought fit me, which indicated that I am indeed a trustworthy person. I do agree with these results because I feel that I have the attributes of a trustworthy person, such as honesty and being reliable.
Self-Assessment Quiz 2-3
The Personal Resiliency Quiz tested how able one is to bounce back from adversity, and handle disappointments and setbacks. It contained 15 statements that one would mostly agree or disagree with. At the end of the quiz, it gave specific results that was expected for each statement. For every personal answer that matched, one would earn a point.
I matched up with 11 of the 15 responses which put me in the category of "moderately resilient". According to the scoring and interpretation, this meant that "like most people, you probably cope well with some type of adversity but not others". I am neutral when it comes to this result because although I can be very resilient and I usually do find a way to rebound myself, sometimes it takes longer than other times.
Chapter 3
Self-Assessment Quiz 3-1
The Emotional Expressiveness Scale tested how charismatic one may be. It consisted of 20 statements where one would respond to what level of accuracy each instance would relate to one's behavior. The answers earned 1-5 points each.
My score was a 58, which was described as a "level of emotionality that is probably too low to enhance my charisma". It also said that I need to work on expressing my feelings to become more charismatic. I have to say that I agree with this assessment's results because I am fully aware that I struggle with expressing my emotions. It's not that I do not have vision, but I think I just have an issue letting people know what is on my mind and how I feel. I am currently trying to work on this.
Chapter 4
Self-Assessment Quiz 4-1
This assessment tested one's Task-Oriented Attitudes and Behaviors. It consisted of 10 statements in which one would either mostly agree or disagree with. In this assessment, the more you agreed with, the higher your task orientation was considered.
I "mostly agreed" with 7 out of the 10 statements. This indicated that I have a stronger task orientation. I am not surprised with these results because I have always been more task oriented than relationship oriented.
Self-Assessment Quiz 4-2
This assessment tested whether a person is more of a participative or authoritarian leader. There were 20 statements that one would claim as mostly true or false if/when they were to be put in the scenarios described. At the end of the assessment, it gave specific results that was expected for each statement. For every personal answer that matched, one would earn a point.
My score was 17/20 which indicated that I am/would be a participative leader. I agree with these results because I am positive that I am not an authoritarian leader. Although I know when to take control, I believe in sharing the decision making with group members for the most part.
Self-Assessment Quiz 4-3
This assessment tested how willing one is to take risks. It consisted of 10 statements that one would compare to themselves and respond with how accurate they thought each was. Each answer was worth 1-5 points.
I scored 36 points which indicated that I have the "propensity to avoid risks". I agree with this verdict to an extent as I sometimes can be extra careful with my decisions, but I always think of it as being responsible. On the other hand, I disagree because I am indeed willing to take risks. I just try to plan and weigh the pros and cons before doing so to ensure the risk is potentially beneficial.
P.S- This assessment was calculated wrongly by the book. The scoring and interpretation went up to 60 points which was unattainable because the most points awarded was 5, and there was only 10 statements.
Chapter 5
Self-Assessment Quiz 5-1
This assessment tested for situational perspective as a leader. It consisted of 15 statements that one would state to what extent that they agree with each. Every answer was worth 1-5 points.
I scored 62 points, which was described "you have (or would have) a strong situational perspective as a leader and manager". I agree with these results as I do believe that I try to take into consideration the entire picture when placed in charge or even otherwise.
Chapter 6
Self-Assessment Quiz 6-1
The Leadership Ethics quiz tested how ethical and honest one may be. It consisted of 20 statements that one had to state to what extent they agree with each scenario. Each response was worth 1-4 points.
I scored 22 points, which stated that "your self-image is that of a highly ethical and trustworthy leader or potential leader". I have to agree with these results because honesty is a trait that I value and try my best to possess at all time. I am seen as a trustworthy person at work, home and socially because it is just a part of who I naturally am.
Self-Assessment Quiz 6-2
This assessment tested for the character attributes that the U.S Air Force would want to see among the ranks of its leaders. It contained 12 character factors and descriptions that one would rank themselves as High, Average or Low for each one. As there was no specific scoring for this assessment, the more "high" responses given, indicated the more likely you are to be perceived as having a good character.
I got 7 highs, and 5 averages overall which I think can use some improving but is not too bad. I know that for the majority I am perceived as having a good character, which I feel that I do too.
Chapter 9
Self-Assessment Quiz 9-1
The Teamwork Checklist served as an informal guide to diagnosing teamwork. It contained 15 statements that one would answer "mostly yes" or "mostly no" to. There was no specific scoring and interpretation in this assessment, however, the more "mostly yes" answered indicated that good teamwork was present.
I answered "mostly yes" to 13 of the 15 instances. I feel that when I lead a team, be it at work or otherwise, it is not just a privilege but a necessity to have teamwork and cooperation. I do agree that there is always good teamwork present, and even if not at the beginning, we work our way there.
Self-Assessment Quiz 9-2
The Team Player Attitudes assessment tested how positive one's attitude is towards being a member of a team. This assessment consisted of 12 statements that one had to state to what extent they agree with each. The responses earned 1-5 points each.
I scored 46 out of 60 which barely got me in the range of "having a strong positive attitude towards being a team member and working cooperatively with other members". To an extent I disagree with this because I actually prefer working alone, but then in another sense I would have to agree because I will work in a group and have no problems if that is what is needed. I guess one could say I am a good team player because I am willing to work either way as long as the goal is being achieved.
Chapter 10
Self-Assessment Quiz 10-1
This assessment tested how often one would act or think in a way to motivate others. It consisted of 20 statements in which one would rate how frequently they have performed these actions. Each response earned 1-5 points.
My score was 90 points which explained that I have "advanced knowledge and skill with respect to motivating others in a work environment". I agree with this result as I do my best to motivate the coworkers that I have professional relationships with as often as I can. If this were based on a company wide perspective I would have to disagree. Although I often think of motivating others that I am not familiar with, I usually am not brave enough to do so.
Self-Assessment Quiz 10-2
This assessment tested for how much recognition one may crave. It contained 11 statements that one had to state to what extent they agree with each. The responses earned 1-5 points each.
I received a score of 41 out of 50 which was in the average range, explaining that I "do not require constant reminders that I have done a good job". To an extent I agree with this, I do not "require" recognition, but I can't say that I mind being recognized for my efforts. It is appreciated when I am noticed.
Chapter 13
Self-Assessment Quiz 13-1
This assessment tested how much of a strategic thinker one may be. It contained 12 statements
in which one had to state to what extent they agreed. Each statement was worth 1-5 points.
My score was 53 out of 60 which was interpreted that I "already think strategically". I definitely agree with this as I am always planning long-term and looking for the bigger picture.
Self-Assessment Quiz 13-2
This assessment tested one's attitude toward sharing knowledge with others. It contained 10 statements in which one had to state to what extent they agreed. Each statement was worth 1-5 points.
I scored 35 out of 50 points which was described as "having average attitudes toward sharing knowledge, with a mixture of enthusiasm and skepticism about knowledge sharing". I must say that I strongly agree with these results as I often experience mixed feelings when it comes to sharing knowledge. Not necessarily with learning. but more to the affect of my actual ideas. I have no issues sharing information that can be learned otherwise, but when it comes to something that I took time and effort to think of, I would like it to be known that I was the source. The only time that I willingly share my ideas is if it is a group effort and I am trying to benefit the entire team anyway.
Chapter 14
Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2
This assessment tested for how tolerant one may be with cultural differences. There were 10 circumstances listed in which one had to state their level of comfort if in the position. Each response earned 1-5 points.
I scored 40 out of 50 points. This indicated that I am "highly tolerant and flexible in terms of working with a broad spectrum of people". I strongly agree with this as I was raised in a way to not discriminate against people. Where I come from, the Cayman Islands, it is very multi cultural and I have learnt to embrace it.
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