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Hello! I am Tishan Crowe, a 22 year old international student at Johnson and Wales University in North Miami. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Business Management in hope to fulfill my goal of becoming an entrepreneur.
Read my pages below to find out a little more about my past, present and that is! :)

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right" - Henry Ford

Core Goals and Values

Tishan Crowe


    1.     Become a home owner
    2.     Get promoted to a Senior or minimum, Middle Manager position
    3.     Graduate with my B.A from JWU with Summa Cum Laude
    4.     Acquire my Masters
    5.     Start a business
    6.     Create a stronger relationship with God
    7.     Become a confident public speaker
    8.     Start a charity drive/ Greatly contribute to a charity or cause
    9.     Travel to all continents
  10.   Be a mentor

        1.  Create a stronger relationship with God.
        2.  Graduate with my B.A from JWU with Summa Cum Laude.
        3.  Become a home-owner.
        4.  Travel to all continents.
        5.  Start a charity drive/ Greatly contribute to a charity or cause


 1.     Acquire my Masters.
 2.     Become a confident public speaker
        3.   Get promoted to a Senior or minimum, Middle manager position.
        4.   Start a business
        5.   Be a mentor

Top 5 Personal & Professional Goals

    1.     Create a stronger relationship with God.
    2.     Graduate with my B.A from JWU with Summa Cum Laude.
    3.     Start a business.
    4.     Become a home-owner.
    5.     Start a charity drive / Greatly contribute to a charity or cause

Having to rank my goals was a tough task as I am eagerly hoping and planning to achieve them all. However, it was nice to see what I consider priority if I currently had to choose.


    1.     Loved ones (family and friends)
    2.     God
    3.     Honesty
    4.     Helping Others
    5.     Success
    6.     Cleanliness
    7.     Ambition
    8.     Independence
    9.     Education
  10.     Happiness

Top 5 Values

   1.     God
   2.     Loved ones (family and friends)
   3.     Happiness
   4.     Education
   5.     Success

Ranking my values was just as hard as ranking my goals because they all seemed to be equally important before this task. I honestly didn’t even realize they were so many things I valued (before choosing my top 10).

Goals and Values

For easier comparison, please see recap of my top 5 goals and values below:

Top 5 Values

   1.     God
   2.     Loved ones (family and friends)
   3.     Happiness
   4.     Education
   5.     Success

Top 5 Goals

   1.     Create a stronger relationship with God.
   2.     Graduate with my B.A from JWU with Summa Cum Laude.
   3.     Start a business.
   4.     Become a home-owner.
   5.     Start a charity drive / Greatly contribute to a charity or cause.

When comparing my top 5 values and goals it is apparent that some of them do relate, such as:
·      My value of God with my goal of creating a stronger relationship with Him
·      My value of education with my goal of graduating with my B.A from JWU with Summa Cum Laude
·      My value of success with my goal of starting a business.

On the other hand, there are a few that may not obviously relate, but do have a connection in my view, such as:
·      My value of happiness with my goal of starting a charity drive/greatly contributing to a charity or cause.  To me, being able to help others makes me happy, so they are indeed related.
·      My value of loved ones with my goal of creating a strong relationship with God. I personally think these are related because God’s word teaches you how to treat others and about forgiveness and other qualities that are necessary when maintaining relationships with loved ones
·       My value of success and my goal of becoming a home-owner. I think they are related because in order to be able to own a home, one must first be successful in earning and saving money to acquire this luxury.

I enjoyed this assignment as I am currently working on a 10 year plan and I think figuring out my goals and values will definitely assist me. I’ve never really brainstormed on such things about myself and honestly doubt I would have thought so deeply about my values if I was not prompted to do so in leadership class.

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